Wednesday, January 25, 2012

For my essay i am planning on looking through the lens of a feminist. How a man's outlook on a woman can effect more then just one situation. In "Things fall apart" Woman are seen as property. It makes a man want to seem strong and un breakable. Men have treated woman like this for centuries as shown in the article. The men in this story look at woman as a price of property something that can be bought sold and auctioned off. Men seem to think that men are the center of the world and everything else seems to support them. Indeed a woman’s role is to support the man, but as an equal not as an ornament. In the Novel a woman was actually given as a gift. She was a virgin and she was given as a sacrifice with her virtue in tact ready to be destroyed by man. “The male is by nature superior, and the female inferior; and the one rules and the other is ruled. Woman is matter, waiting to be formed by the active male principle…..Man consequently plays a major part in reproduction; the woman is merely the passive incubator of his seed” (Aristotle #384-322). Woman are nothing but an instrument for men. “Nature intended woman to be our slaves…..They are our property. What a mad idea to demand equality for Women!”(Napoleon Bonaparte). Women are not allowed to be educated. Men feel inferior to woman when they are educated and they must be on top. “Literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life, and it ought not to be. The more she is engaged in her proper duties, The less leisure will she have for it, even any…..recreation”( Robert Southey). When listening to the quote it talks about a woman’s “duties” and how with education she will seem to not fulfill your duties. Some duties woman had in the story were: “Educating a woman is like pouring honey over a fine Swiss watch….It stops working.” (Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.) With this new found education, A woman will be able to understand the position she is at in life and understand that she deserves better. Woman won’t settle for less.